
Use our BEST Branded and Efficient Accessories to care your CAR.

AC Compressor

This process helps in increasing the refrigerant's temperature, allowing it to release heat outside the vehicle. As a result, the air inside the car becomes cool and comfortable. However, if the AC compressor malfunctions or fails, it can lead to a lack of cool air or even complete failure of the air conditioning system. Therefore, regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential to ensure the optimal performance of the car's AC compressor.

Price: 9000/-

Air Filters

Over time, the air filter gets clogged with debris, reducing its efficiency. It is important to regularly replace the air filter to maintain the engine's health and longevity. A clean air filter not only improves fuel efficiency but also helps in reducing emissions and protecting the engine from damage. Therefore, it is necessary to check and replace the car air filter as per the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure smooth and trouble-free driving..

Price: 1000/-

AC Condenser

Use The condenser works by facilitating the transfer of heat from the refrigerant gas to the surrounding air, allowing the gas to condense back into a liquid state. This process releases the heat absorbed from inside the car, resulting in a refreshing and comfortable interior temperature. The condenser is typically located at the front of the car, where it can receive a sufficient amount of air flow to effectively cool down the refrigerant.

Price: 4500/-

Engine Oil

It is formulated with various additives that enhance its performance, such as detergent additives that clean the engine from harmful deposits and anti-wear additives that protect metal surfaces. Additionally, engine oil provides corrosion protection and helps to seal combustion gases within the engine. Regularly checking and changing the engine oil is essential to prolong the life of the engine and to ensure the vehicle's overall efficiency and reliability. Description not clear.

Price: 5000/-

Clutch Plates

The clutch plates are made of high-quality friction material, enabling them to withstand the heat and pressure generated during the clutch engagement. These plates consist of a series of discs that are pressed together when the clutch pedal is pushed down. This action allows the engine's power to be temporarily disconnected from the transmission, enabling the driver to shift gears. The clutch plates need to be regularly inspected and replaced when worn out to ensure optimal performance and avoid any potential damage to the transmission system.

Price: 7500/-


As the hot coolant enters the radiator, the fins and tubes facilitate the transfer of heat to the surrounding air. This process is aided by a fan that helps to increase airflow. The cooled coolant is then circulated back to the engine to keep it at an optimal temperature. Without a properly functioning radiator, the engine can overheat, leading to engine damage and potential breakdown. Therefore, regular maintenance and inspection of the car radiator are crucial to ensure the vehicle's performance and longevity.

Price: 11000/-